Saturday, November 3, 2012

Memory Wall

I'm a bit obsessed with decorating. In fact, it's not good for me to stay home for long periods because it makes me want to repaint, move things around and buy new stuff. Just ask my poor husband. I've lost count of the number of times he's repainted the walls to satisfy my ever-changing whims. Sorry sweetie.

I've found that one of the easiest ways to add interest to a plain old wall is to put up a picture gallery. I've done one in our dining room but it's still a work in progress. Someday I hope to have the entire wall covered in meaningful photos, paintings and family mementos. This is so much fun to do. 

We recently had our floors sanded and re-stained so we had to remove EVERYTHING from the first floor. That was not fun at all. It also meant that I had to take down my picture gallery so it didn't get damaged. It's a good thing that I took a picture of the finished product before taking it apart because otherwise, I would have been up a creek trying to put it back together. 

Starting to put the memory wall back up. I had left the nails on the wall so it took no time at all to put everything back.

Nearly done.

Ta Da!

I will be adding to the wall soon with some pictures we took of beautiful old doors in Tuscany. As I said in previous posts, I went a little crazy with the camera in Italy so I have way too many pictures of old doors. Eventually, I'll have to sort through them and choose my favourites.

Our 17-year-old daughter, who has loved painting, drawing and decorating since she was little has put up a memory wall in her bedroom. I love going in and getting lost in the memories as many of the pieces are her own paintings, some from when she was itty-bitty. 

A small section of her wall
I love this painting which features her beloved Nounou the bear as a superhero. She has had Nounou since her 1st birhday and he has been all over the world with us. In fact, we have pictures of him lying on the beach in Hawaii with a flower tucked behind his ear. Lucky bear!

 One of my faves. She did this drawing in answer to the question: "What would you like to be when you grow up?"

The memory wall above her bed which is always evolving. This is a fun and easy way to display meaningful photos, drawings and mementos in a child or teenager's room.

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