Sunday, April 28, 2013

Signs of Spring

Today was a perfect spring day. Here are a few signs that spring has finally appeared in our neck of the woods!

The crocuses are in full bloom.
The magnolias are flowering.

The tulips are finally starting to poke their heads out of the ground.

But the real sign that spring has sprung is that outdoor projects are in full swing. The gazebo that we put up last spring was a casualty of this year's long winter. Instead of buying a new one, my husband decided he'd attempt to build a pergola from his own plans. I have great faith in his abilities and I'm sure it will be wonderful once it's done, but for now, THIS is the state of our deck. Yikes!

I'll keep posting as progress is made. Hopefully by next weekend our backyard won't be quite such a disaster area.


  1. looks like a pop pop project, tell him to remember to measure twice, before cutting

  2. Le printemps s'est fait désirer, mais que ça fait du bien et que c'est beau quand il pointe enfin son nez. Ton petit mari va avoir du pain sur la planche... ~V.
