Today is April 14 which means that Spring started a few weeks ago, right? Well, you wouldn't know it from the view outside my front window this morning.
Not exactly the Spring-like weather that we're used to seeing mid-April. That's why I decided to do a few things to help me feel a little better about this sad situation.
I had a bunch of lemons which I placed in one of my favourite blue and white bowls.
And speaking of blue...
Take a look at my newest purchase. The bag's turquoise interior and daffodil yellow lining just make me happy.
I painted my nails with Crazy for chic, the brightest pink I could find.
We opened up the last bottle of wine from our trip to Italy and pretended to be sipping it from a sun-filled patio.
I read the May issue of Style at Home cover to cover and dreamt about gardening and outdoor entertaining.
And the very best thing about this weekend are the tulips that my husband brought home for me. I love tulips and, if I can't see them growing out of the ground, the next best thing is admiring them inside my house!